Care Tips for your Uniform | Uniform Care Tips

Care Tips for your Uniform

It’s safe to say that your work clothes are some of the hardest working garments in your wardrobe – and being a client-facing professional like a beauty therapist or healthcare professional, you always want to look your best. So knowing how to care for your uniform – with the minimum of fuss – is essential!

Care Tips for your Uniform

Read the care instructions

Following the care instructions will ensure that your uniform is getting the optimal care for the type of fabric it is carefully manufactured in. Pay particular attention to the recommended wash temperature too, as this will ensure your colour (yes, even black) stays vibrant and fresh. And, needless to say, we’re sure, but wash similar colours together.

Wash regularly and deal with stains

Sometimes your uniform might not look dirty immediately, but the colour can become dull and it can even smell without you realising it. If you get a stain on your uniform, make sure you deal with it as soon as possible, so it doesn’t get the chance to get deeper into the fibres. This is where buying good-quality purpose-made work clothes can help – stains should be easier to deal with if you have chosen a uniform made of high-quality material.

Keep your uniform just for work

Yes, we know you love your Buttercups uniform and want to show it off, but try to resist wearing it to the pub… Okay, slight exaggeration there, but we’re sure you get our meaning! Keep your uniform just for the workplace – change as soon as you get home, no matter how tired or hungry you are. Spilling your dinner down the front of your uniform is not a great idea – nor is going into work smelling of bacon and eggs…

Care Tips for your Uniform

Invest in a spare uniform

Buttercups uniforms are designed to be easy to care for, but quite often with client-facing work, you could be going from shift to shift with only a little downtime in between. If you can afford it, invest in a spare uniform or two, as this will take the pressure off having to wash your uniform every day. It will also remove the temptation to take shortcuts, such as chucking your uniform into the tumble dryer (an absolute no no if you want to get the most from your uniform).

Be smart and listen to the pros

Hate laundry? Yes, us too. However, 35 years’ experience in the uniform industry has taught us some really valuable time-saving tips – and we’re going to let you into the secrets now. Try not to overload the machine, as the clothes are less likely to get overly wrinkled if they have enough room to move. When the cycle has ended, take the clothes out straightaway and shake. Uniforms should dry naturally, so look for fabric that is designed to dry quickly. For instance, tunics made in our popular Novara easy-care bi-stretch material feel only damp when taken from the machine, and should dry quickly. Even better, if you do take your uniform straight out of the machine, you probably won’t have to bother with the iron!

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